
Mostrando entradas de 2017

Spain, Democray and Freedom

Nowadays Spain is in the middle of all news because of the Catalonian issue, so let see what is the real case. The government of Spain, no matter what tendency, leftist, right-wing or centrist, does not impose anything to any region in the country, except for the law in force, emanating from the Spanish Constitution, which is similar and in line as the French, German, Italian......, which has allowed this country to live in peace and freedom and undoubtedly the best decades of its history.  The government is the guarantor of the implementation of the Constitution, moreover, it has to respect and enforce the laws. All Spaniards are equal before the law, have the same rights and the same OBLIGATIONS. In this country, the sister of the King of Spain has been put on trial! So the judicial system, with its shortcomings, does work. We are all equal before the law, even the Royal family. We live in a country in which FREEDOM exists and human rights are respected, which is an unequivoca...